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Better Applicant Screening = Better Company Workforce

Every recruiting manager has experienced the agony of filling a vacancy only to learn that the candidate is not a suitable match for the role. Increasing the quality of your applicant screening procedures is one of the best strategies to avoid this circumstance. In search of outstanding new candidates for your available positions? To learn how we can help you avoid the frustration of making the wrong hiring decision, get in touch with Southeast Texas HR right away.

Here are some more details on applicant screening and how it can significantly enhance your staff.

What is Applicant Screening?

Sometimes when individuals learn about application screening methods, they question, "Isn't that what the interview is for?"

And it is accurate that interviews are a component of the selection procedure. However, they are merely a part of the staffing jigsaw. You'll wind up spending far too much time and money on this aspect of staffing if you rely too heavily on the interviewing process to filter applicants.

Prior to the interview stage, you should do applicant screening.

Consider the process of receiving and reviewing applications as the applicant screening process. At this point, a good screening appears to be eliminating unqualified candidates so they don't consume any more of your time. It's also important to distinguish between high-value prospects and those whose qualifications you are unclear about but eager to learn more about.

Applicant Screening Benefits

You gain from more effective candidate screening in a variety of ways, including hiring better candidates for the right positions, saving time and money on your hiring procedures, lowering employee turnover, forming cohesive teams, and producing a workforce that operates more effectively.

Utilize Automation to Eliminate the Unqualified

There are several amazing technologies that you can use to automate some of your screening procedures.

When job seekers submit an online application for a position at your business, automated screening tools can quickly weed out the weakest candidates—those who don't adhere to the requirements, don't meet the minimal requirements, or fail to include information in their application—all of which may raise a red flag in your eyes.

You may now concentrate on applications from qualified individuals, saving you time.

Look at More Than Just the Resume

You run a pretty huge (and unneeded) risk if you just hire somebody based on how they seem on their resume.

Resumes are crucial and can reveal a lot about your candidate. But to get the full picture, you need to look at more than just the resume.

The candidate's social media accounts can be checked to learn more about them, a quick phone interview (10–15 minutes) can be conducted before setting up a longer in-person interview, and thoughtful interview questions can be created.

Hire a staffing company to evaluate your applicants

Making job postings, advertising available positions, reviewing resumes, sending follow-up emails, scheduling interviews, and going through the time-consuming screening procedures for candidates are all tasks that are simple to grow weary of.

A staffing company can be useful. On your behalf, staffing companies handle the labor-intensive aspects of hiring, onboarding, and recruiting. We know how to screen candidates because we do it every day at Southeast Texas HR.

Numerous candidates are screened by staffing firms for positions in various industries. For instance, at Southeast Texas HR, we staff some of the best refineries, offices, and other facilities in southeast Texas.

You don't have to be concerned because we have the necessary knowledge and software. You get a quicker, easier, and more fruitful hiring process when you outsource your staffing duties to an experienced and certified staffing firm.

Let Us Find You Outstanding Candidates!

If someone else conducts the candidate screening for you, you won't need to worry about it.

With the help of Southeast Texas HR, companies and job seekers may connect. We are eager to collaborate with you and assist you in hiring the best candidates for your open openings. We can assist you whether you're looking for part-time, full-time, temporary, or permanent employees.

To begin, get in touch with Southeast Texas HR right away!

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